Welcome, I'm Derek Ensign

This is my software portfolio

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Gallery

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Gallery

I vividly remember my interest in Science taking off in the 3rd grade. We started learning about space, and I recall telling people I wanted to be an astronomer when I grew up. I was too scared to get in a rocket and leave my family behind to become an astronaut! My science teacher encouraged me to write a letter to NASA to share my excitement. I’ll never forget that they responded and set me several beautiful photographs of the planets in our solar system. Later, I remember logging on to NASA’s Astronomy Picture of the Day site to continue to look out into space.

In my first ever full stack application using React, I decided to use NASA’s API to make a collection of these images that you could browse through, and catalog your favorites. Check out my application and let me know what you think!

Use the link above and the following credentials to demo the app:

username: test@test.com

password: 1234

Github repositories:

https://github.com/derekensign/NASA-react https://github.com/derekensign/NASA-Images-Backend